My opinions about how companies should be managed
Some of my opinions about good management (I've learnt a lot at AND!):
The ideal (project) manager doesn't tell you in detail what to do. As a specialist
you know best yourself. When your manager knows better, he/she should be the
specialist, and the company should hire another nitwit to do the red tape......
The ideal manager doesn't tell you in detail what to do, but asks you why
you did the things the way you did. You (as a specialist) must always be
able to defend yourself, why you did the things the way you did.
The proper asking of these questions shows the quality of the manager,
next to the ability arange the proper environment to motivate the people he/she
is responsible for. (so he/she better not be a nitwit...)
There should be an officer high up in the organisation tree taking care that no money
is spilled by stupid purchasing actions etc.
In small companies often this is the founder of the company.
In larger companies financial management often feels itself too good for this,
figuring out fancy bookkeeping constructions.....
It's spring 2002 now. The text above has been type during spring 2001.
As you can read in my resume, a lot has changed in the company
I work for (it's improved!).
Some additions to this text will be done soon......