Profession: Programmer, Software Architect, Software Engineer or whatever fancy names they come up with for people who can be responsible for making good computer software.
I'm married, I have 3 children, they were born in 1992 and 1993.
I'm good at doing all what's to be done at the software creation process: from rough sketching on a whiteboard, together with other programmers, through documentation writing, coding and debugging.
Sometimes I compare it with building your own house, from digging the trenches for the foundation and pushing wheelbarrows with concrete, through implementing the electrical installation, up to the architectural design.
In "My opinions about how companies should be managed" I wrote a few lines, not to be part of a resume.
The first 4 years in Delft I was member of a race rowing team. After this I coached a team for 2 years. In 1983 I was chairman of the club's introduction committee.
I am responsible for the design and realisation of the data access layers, and for the design and realisation of the tools for assigning the Ucp's in the data files.
Despite the high seas my employing company is sailing in, current project is the most interesting (so most enjoyable) I have ever been involved with:
At joining Mapping, it was already clear current tools set's life cycle
was ending. (though its still used in 2001!)
The old tool set was developed by me in the quiet hours in my early years at AND.
So the development of the MapDat library started.
It's based on a quad tree spatial datastructure.
The data stored have an object oriented data model.
The MapDat library forms the file access layer of the Ucp road planning library.
Though already some customer projects were fulfilled with it in 1997, due
other priorities the tool set based on it still is not widely in use
at our data capturing offices (the old stuff works well enough.....)
The WMS is a system used at the traffic control center of the Port of Rotterdam. It evaluates the access of ships to the port with respect to the depth of the water, before the ship is entering the port. Used are depth measurements (millions of samples) of the water and a tide level forecast. The user interface is a graphical display, showing the predicted track of the ship. Part of the system is a module which automatically fetches the depth measurements from the level measurement stations. It is implemented on Sun Sparc systems. Almost all design and realization I did myself.
The system still has a place on the console of the traffic leaders of the port of Rotterdam. Although it doesn't have the central place as aimed in the design phase, it is still useful a an electronic depth map. (which is not bad for a ten year old software system). I'm around at the customer's site for a week once a year to do some maintenance.
Next to my detachment activities I designed and realized the tools for maintaining the AND road network database. The main tool is a network editor which is capable to operate on the entire database (up to a few millions of nodes) at once. Other tools concerning the database do plotting, checks on connectivity and various errors and generalization. These tools are still used at AND's production facilities in India and Ireland
During the last years at the university I started together with 3 other persons a little company. The year after graduation I worked full-time for it. We were developing dedicated microprocessor based systems, both hardware and software. Most successful product was a compiler package for the 6809 microprocessor.
Though we didn't need venture capitalists to proceed, (and did not need social security for living) the company wasn't a success. To start a company you need to see a hole in the market (preferably by a brilliant idea) or you need a customer base. We lacked both. We just wanted to make beautiful things.
I'm one of the lucky people who made a profession from his hobby. At home I have a little network of Linux and Solaris machines.
I like to work at my house (painting and alike) and the garden. (the analogy referred in the beginning of this text is'nt so so strange to me).
From time to time I do some private transactions at the stock market.
I still manage to run for an hour every sunday morning. Now the children have the age for it we don't want to miss the spring ski holidays anymore.